To protect your iDeyPay account, you should verify your email address.
Once you sign up for an iDeyPay account, you should receive an email from [email protected] with the subject: [iDeyPay] Please confirm your email. You can verify your email by clicking the button within the email, or you can verify your email later from within your dashboard. There, you can request a verification code to be sent to your email.
If you haven’t verified your email, click on Resend Email. This will resend the original email, with the subject [iDeyPay] Please confirm your email.
Once you have verified your email, it will be used to authorize logins, send notifications, and notify you of iDeyPay updates.
If you ever need to change your email address, simply send an email to [email protected] with the subject: Change My Email. Please note that we will call you to authenticate the request.